Ding Ding round 3
Well we got to Manchester without getting lost and went straight in at 9am to get some bloods done to check his blood count. 20mins of horrid waiting to see if those pesky white blood cells had finally grown. He was weighed and (due to the fact that weighing scales are probably different) looked a little heavier than when he was in Birmingham last week but was still lighter than last time he was weighed in Manchester 4 weeks ago.
We went in to see the consultant and yippee yay his count was up and chemo could go ahead. It was ordered from pharmacy there and then. Looked like we would be done and dusted by tea time and be home to see the other littlies before bed time as it takes 6 hours to transfuse in.
Doc requested a dietician look at Harry as he didnt want him losing any more weight.
Well an hour later Harry was hooked up and on his way, brilliant, fantastic. He was so good, just lay there nd chuckled and gurgled and chewed his hands. 1pm, when the 3rd and final drug was getting ready to be put up the nurse noticed it had gone out of date the day before. WHATTTTTT. How had this happened. Are the pharmacists not supposed to double check before dispensing. So it had to be reordered and out of the window went my early finish. A critical incident report had to be filled in. And yonks later at 3pm he was finally hooked up for his last transfusion, and this one takes 4 hours to drip in. GRRRR.
ANyway, the dietician came to see us. She gave us some high calorie feed supplement to try and get into him via a bottle whislt not disrupting the breastfeeding. She will speak on Thurs to see how its going, if he is okay with it, she will arrange with my GP to give it on prescription. If he won't drink it then it looks like we will have to get it in via a nasal gastric tube. Oh Harry, there's always a downside to everything. Get slurping that gooey stuff.
At 7'20pm we were finally on our way home, 70mph (not) on the motorway and 9pm I finally rolled up home. Looked at the lounge window, expecting to see Dan when up popped 3 little extra faces from the settee all going mad with mega smiles. They all legged it to the door as I walked in, what a super welcome home. Made up for the crap day
Bring me that baby and I will feed him!!! :)