Thursday, 7 June 2012

What's round the corner?

I'm dedicating this post to Mellissa, warrior Kyle's mum. Kyle is the superstar who was diagnosed late at 8 and a half and unfortunately lost an eye, his other is behaving and being stable at the moment. This blew me and other Rb mums out of the water as we all believed 6/7 was the age limit, I guess cancer doesn't follow any rule book.

Anyway, like me Mellissa firstly is finding it hard to come to terms that one of our children has cancer. We nurtured and carried them for 9 months, and although I only had 11 weeks until diagnosis, we looked at our perfect little bundles, completely unaware what was round the corner.

I have written in an earlier blog post, that life is now like living in the Hampton Court Maze, we've been dumped right in the middle of it and trying to find a way out. Sometimes the pathways will be clear, sometimes there will be many twists and turns and as the hedges are so high we do not know whats round the corner.

Mellissa and I are both in the same boat, once Kyle and Harry are clear from this awful cancer (and I pray that time comes round quickly) we will still have the what-if worry that they are both at an increased risk of developing other cancers, melanoma, osteosarcoma, soft tissue sarcoma being the highest risk, and although the risk is probably quite small it will always be there. It doesnt help my neurotica, any ache or pain and I will be frantic with worry. We can thank their faulty Rb1 genes for that.

I've never met Mellissa or spoken with her, but we regularly exchange texts and facebook messages and know we can rely on each other for support, especially when we go for EUA's. The message of support bumps you up and makes you realise you're not alone. I really look on her as a good friend, like someone I've known for ages and I value her support greatly.

So Mellissa, remember you're a fantastic mum, you have beautiful children who are a credit to you. Children are who they are because of their parents. Yes, life is unfair and we have both been dealt a bad hand but together we can join those hands and try and win this game. Our children may have cancer, but cancer will never ever have our children. Whatever is round Kyle and Harry's corner they will have us to help and guide them and they will never be alone. And you will never be alone, you have me x


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Awwww Lisa, this is so lovely, thank you so much. I feel totally privileged to be part of Harry's blog. What ever and if ever anything is around the corner has us to deal with first!!! Really honoured to know you and all the other Rb families - we're in this together :) <3 xx
